Skripte zur Podcast Folge

Skript (pdf)

Folge 100: Die KHG Augsburg

Was ist die KHG? Wer sich das fragt, findet hier Antworten. Und wenn ihr Dienstagabend noch nichts vorhabt, lohnt sich das Hören doppelt: Seid gespannt!

Lectures at the University of Augsburg

Lectures at the University of Augsburg

Each term the University of Augsburg offers different lectures, which are especially designed for student.stories. You can learn the basics of audio production for example, or you help us to improve the existing range of podcasts.

1. Who can participate?

The lectures to the project student.stories are free for all students of the study course Medien und Kommunikation. Students who study “Erziehungswissenschaft” can attend some of the lectures, too. Students from other subjects can only attend after individual consultation with the tutor. You will find all the information on which lectures you can take into account to your studies, in the Modulhandbuch of your study course.

2. Which events take place in the ongoing term?

In the winter semester 2011/12 two lectures concern student.stories. These are:

  • "Radio, Podcast und Co: Grundlagen der Audioproduktion" ” for bachelor students of the courses "Medien und Kommunikation" and "Erziehungswissenschaft"
  • "Brauch und neue Medien" ffor bachelor students of the courses "Medien und Kommunikation", "Erziehungswissenschaft" and "Kunst und Kulturwissenschaften"

You can find more information about the lectures in the Digicampus under the name of the respective event.

Registration for the seminars is possible in the Digicampus between the 27.9 and the 04.10.2011. You have problems with the registration or missed the deadline? Then write us a short message.